
Get NFT Metadata (Batched)

Returns key data (e.g., metadata, preview image, collection name) for given set of NFTs. 100 NFTs per request max.

This endpoint should be used to retrieve key information about a set of NFTs.

It includes a media array, which provides:

  • URLs to render small (250x250) and medium (1000x1000) versions of the NFT media directly. If multiple media files exist, we select our best guess of the most relevant file. This also includes the size of the file in bytes, if available.
  • allMediaPaths, which lists all media files available for the NFT. This can be used in conjunction with our Render NFT endpoint to render any of the associated media (incl. audio and video files)

Note: An API key must be provided to render media via the media URLs. The API key can be provided via an auth header or a query parameter (?apiKey=key).


Compute Units = 1 / NFT

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!