API Reference

How can I use Center to render NFTs in my application?

I want to use Center to render images

Use the Render NFT endpoint to render the media directly, specifying the following parameters:

  1. network: Network ID where the NFT is present
  2. address: Contract address for NFT
  3. tokenId: Token ID for NFT
  4. filename: How you would like the NFT to be rendered (See below)

Note: You can omit the mediaPath query parameter. We will select the media file (if there are multiple) that we think is most likely to be the default media for the NFT. We will not select a video or audio file.

What is the filename?

The filename tells us how you would like the NFT to be rendered. It should be provided in the following format: size.format.

  • size: This is required. It can either be a preset (small,medium or original) or a specific file dimension (400x400,750x750). The small preset is 200x200 and the medium preset is 1000x1000. original will render the media in its original size and format.
    • Note: Media will be rendered in its original aspect ratio within the bounds of the size that is specified.
  • format: This is optional. It is used to transform media into a desired format. This format can be png,jpg or gif.

Example acceptable filename parameters are: medium,250x250.jpg,small.png,original,650x650.

I want to use Center to render more complex media (audio, video, HTML media)

Most NFTs with audio, video or HTML media have several media files associated with them. In order to specify the precise media file you would like to render, you will need to follow a few steps:

  1. Determine the key of the media file you would like to render. Common keys include image and animation_url.
    1. In order to determine the key, you can either:
      1. Query the List NFT Media endpoint to retrieve a list of all media files available for a particular NFT.
      2. Query the Show NFT Metadata endpoint (or the batched version). An allMediaPaths array is returned which provides the list of all available media files.
    2. Center categorizes the available media into four categories: image, audio, video and other. We also provide the mime type for each, so that you can decide what you want to render.
  2. If rendering image, audio or video use the Center Render NFT endpoint with the following:
    1. Specify original for the filename parameter.
    2. Provide the key in the mediaPath parameter. This is often animation_url for audio and video NFTs.
  3. If rendering other (e.g., HTML files):
    1. You should not use the Center Render NFT endpoint. Due to issues like relative paths and CORS, it is often not possible for us to render these directly.
    2. You should take the source URL from the media array and render it directly in your application using an iFrame or similar.

I want to predict the size and file type of media before I render it

We provide the mime type of each media file associated with an NFT in our media array (available both in the List Media response and the NFT Metadata response).

To determine the file size, you can:

  1. Make a header request to the Render NFT endpoint. This will provide the content-length and content-type for the media.
  2. Query the Show NFT Metadata endpoint. A media array will be returned, which provides information about the small and medium presets. If this media has already been rendered by Center, we will provide the file size.