3/31 Update

Teams Support, Orderbook API, and One Call NFT Rendering. Read on to learn more!

Teams support

We now support Teams in our user portal. Project owners can invite team members, who can access the project's API keys and view usage statistics. Team functionality is available to all users on Builder or Enterprise plans. Simply go to the "Team" tab within projects to access.

Orderbook API

You can now use Center to retrieve bids and asks across OpenSea, X2Y2 and Looksrare. We will continue to add coverage and marketplaces in the coming months.

Get listings / offers for all NFTs in a collection

Get listings / offers for a specific NFT

One call NFT Rendering

We shipped a new endpoint that allows users to render NFTs with only one call. Instead of using our API to retrieve a CDN URL, and then using that URL to render media, you can now render the media directly.

Render NFT Media (One Call)